1.      我应该什么时候到达利记sbo?
你不能进入美国.S. 在课程开始日期前30天以上. We recommend you arrive at least several days before orientation begins so you can settle in and adjust to the time difference.
2.    利记sbo我来美国我需要知道些什么.S.?
All the information about arrival can be found under the 到达的信息 tab.
3.    我必须参加国际迎新会吗?
Yes, attendance at International Orientation is mandatory. 你不仅会见到你的国际顾问, 其他学生及大学职员, but you learn valuable information regarding your visa status and University policies and procedures.

4.    南菲尔德的天气怎么样?
The weather in Southfield ranges from anywhere in the 80 degree Fahrenheit range in the summer to below freezing in the winter.
5.    Does 利记sbo require any immunizations before coming to the U.S.?
No, it does not.

6.    这附近有公共交通吗?
7.    What is my SEVIS ID?
Your SEVIS ID is located on the top right corner of your I-20/DS20-19. It begins with N00.
8.    Who can be a dependent, and how can I add one to my record?
You can add your spouse, or child (under 21) can be added as a dependent. More information about how to add a dependent can be found under the 相关的信息 tab.
9.   I’m living in Housing, what information do I need to know?
Visit the 大学房屋网站 有关校内住宿的最新资讯. Also, since you will be arriving early for International Orientation, be sure to contact University Housing to make arrangements.
10.   我可以住在校外的哪里?
Arbor Lofts 利记sbo学生提供就近的本地住房解决方案. 周边社区包括:迪尔伯恩, Novi, Farmington, Farmington Hill, Royal Oak, Ferndale, Oak Park.

1.     我可以在校园里工作吗?
是的,你有资格立即到学校工作. Please contact the OIP if you are offered an on campus position.
2.      我可以在校外工作吗?
Possibly, review information under the Work Authorization tabs. Please keep in mind that you cannot work off campus without proper work authorization. Working without proper authorization is a very serious violation of your F1 status and is not tolerated.
3.      我想申请OPT,我需要做什么?
你需要做的第一步是参加OPT研讨会. 你可以找到时间表 here. We recommend you attend at the beginning of your last semester at 利记sbo.

4.     我在哪里可以了解到你.S. tax law? 
利记sbo的国际顾问没有接受过美国法律方面的培训.S. 税法,不能在这个话题上给我们的学生建议. Please see the IRS website here for tax information pertaining to foreign students and scholars.
1.      我什么时候可以注册上课?
If you are a new international student at 利记sbo you can register at the end of orientation week, once you check in. 如果你是在读学生, then you can register during the regular period based on your academic level.
2.      利记sbo如何考虑全日制招生?
Undergraduate students must be enrolled in 12 credit hours; graduate students must be enrolled in 6 credit hours. Full time enrollment for doctoral programs varies by degree
3.      我可以兼职学习吗?
International students are required to be enrolled full time in the fall & spring semesters. 夏季不需要全日制注册 unless 这是你的第一学期或最后一学期.
4.      如果我即将毕业,我可以做兼职吗?
是的,请填写并提交一份 减少课程负荷申请表.
5.     我想放弃一门课,我该找谁谈谈?
You should talk to your academic advisor regarding the academic impact of dropping a course, but you should NEVER  drop a course without talking to an 国际顾问 to ensure it will not negatively impact your status.
6.     我必须在暑假注册吗?
没有,除非是你在利记sbo的第一学期或最后一个学期. 如果你愿意,你可以在夏天入学.
7.     我可以上在线课程吗?
Yes, but you cannot exceed the distance education limits outlined here.
8.     我可以休一个学期的假吗?
International students are required to be enrolled full time in the fall & spring semesters. If you cannot attend classes for any reason during this time, you must meet with an 国际顾问 to be advised on the procedure.
1.     I want to travel home, what documents do I need to travel with?
有效的I-20和当前的旅行签名, 有效的再入境签证, 护照有效期为6个月. OIP also recommends you print a copy of your class schedule as additional proof of enrollment while traveling.
2.     我在OPT,我可以旅行吗?
If you are employed on OPT, then yes it is possible to travel abroad with proper documents. The OIP also recommends you travel with a letter from your employer stating you are traveling but will return to your position upon re-entering the U.S. If you are not employed while on OPT, the OIP does not recommend traveling abroad.
3.     我的受养人可否独自旅行?
Yes, your dependent(s) can travel alone as long as they have proper travel documents.
4.     我的I-20上的旅行签名的有效期是多久?
The travel signature is located on page three of your I-20, or the first page of your DS20-19. 旅行签名有效期为一年.
5.     Can I stay in the U.S. 如果我的签证过期了?
Yes, you can. 你的签证的目的是让你进入美国.S.
6.     我在哪里可以续签?
你不能在美国续签签证.S. 因为没有必要. You should renew your visa next time you travel to your home country. We do not 我建议你去加拿大续签签证.
7.     我可以用过期的签证旅行吗?
你可以离开美国.S. 签证过期 but you cannot re-enter without a valid visa. 你回家时必须更新. If you are going to Canada or Mexico for less than 30 days, you can enter the U.S. 签证过期. 这两个国家是唯一的例外.
8.     我的护照可以在美国过期吗.S.?
No, you must always have a passport that is valid at least six months into the future while in the U.S.
9.     我在美国哪里可以更新/延长我的护照.S.?
You should contact an Embassy or Consultant Office from your country for more information about this process.
10.   我能拿到我父母去美国旅行的信吗.S. 毕业典礼?
Yes, the One Stop Center has a letter specifically for this reason. 
1.     我如何与校园里的其他同学联系?
Get involved in student organizations, and attend events hosted by different organizations. 你也可以关注我们 Facebook at for events.
2.     我的横幅ID是什么? Is it important?
Your banner ID is your unique 利记sbo student identifying number. You will need it to make request with an office on campus. 带上你的学生证,你的学生证在上面.
3.     校园里有哪些健身选择?
利记sbo has an on-campus gym called the Don Ridler Field House. It is located at the North end of campus and is free to students. 你必须携带学生证才能进入.
4.     在电子邮件或电话信息中包含什么信息?
When emailing or leaving a phone message for an 利记sbo department be sure to include your name, phone number and Banner ID number so you can be easily identified. Don’t forget to leave contact information so someone can return your message!
5.     Where can I find request forms for 国际项目?
Forms are available in the office, of under the Forms tab on the right.
6.     I want to schedule an appointment with an 国际顾问, what should I do?
Email us at international@dienmayhikaru.com 只要你有空.
7.     Where are neighborhood grocery stores, banks, doctors, urgent care centers and hospital?
局部位置的位置位于 社区信息页面.
8.     我需要拿到密西根州的驾照吗?
如果你想在密歇根开车, 是的,你首先需要获得密歇根州的驾驶执照. 找到更多信息 here.
9.     我需要社会安全号码吗??
SSN不是必需的,但很有帮助. You can only 如果你在美国工作,你可以申请社会安全号.S. The OIP cannot give you an SSN or help you to get one if you are not employed.

Contact us:

A. 阿尔弗雷德·陶布曼学生服务中心

Adam Berry
Adam Berry
Sarah Roberts